Pulsing Feeling in Chest

Has anyone had the feeling of a intermittent pulsing feeling or that something is bouncing in your chest? It sometimes happens while just sitting or brushing my teeth, or walking sometimes. My pacemaker was inserted 4 weeks ago.



by Lavender - 2024-04-23 22:17:39

With you only being a month into healing, I can imagine you might have some strange sensations as your heart settles down from the surgery. I thought of PVCs and wonder if that's what you're feeling. I had a lot of PVCs early on and now I have few. They're harmless in small amounts. 

Premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) are extra heartbeats that begin in one of the heart's two lower pumping chambers (ventricles). These extra beats disrupt the regular heart rhythm, sometimes causing a sensation of a fluttering or a skipped beat in the chest.

Pulsing feeling in chest

by skigrl3 - 2024-04-24 09:31:49

Agree this could just be part of recovery post PM insertion. I just wamted to add that I used to get a pulsing or swishing sensation in the cardiac region of my chest for years before I got my pacemaker. The docs could not get a handle on it because it was so sporadic. I did have a loop due to my fainting condition which got worse over time. The loop did capture several VT snd SVT, so who knows if the sensation was from that or not. That sensation, I am happy to say went away after I gpt my PM. I am coming up on 2 full years now with my PM. Best wishes with your recovery.

ask your doc

by Tracey_E - 2024-04-24 11:10:41

It could be healing, it could be settings need changed, it could be a lead isnt in an ideal place. 

Early days

by piglet22 - 2024-04-25 12:38:30

Four weeks. Things should be settling down.

Having a pacemaker can reveal other things going on like PVCs or ectopics.

As Lavender said, ectopics can be harmless, but they can and do disrupt pacemaker timing.

A string of ectopics together can make you feel unwell and can put you on the floor.

If you are concerned, insist on getting an explanation at the very least. Beware the "pacemaker is fine" bit.

Pulsing Feeling In Chest

by PMuser1 - 2024-04-26 13:24:40

Thanks for all of your suggestions and advice. I see my cardiologist on Tuesday the 30th for a device check.

Pulsing In Chest

by PMuser1 - 2024-05-04 11:28:53

My doctor did a device check and everything is well-attached and working properly. I am using the device 90% of the time. The pulsing sensations are me feeling the electrical impulses and can last up to 6 months. So, I will just learn to live with it and adjust accordingly.

You know you're wired when...

Your electric tooth brush interferes with your device.

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