The Time has Arrived....

After what felt like much drama and waiting 6 lifetimes, I am due to get my CRT-P tomorrow.  I'm ready, excited,  hesitant  and very aware that my life is about to take a huuge step in what should be a good direction.  I'll meet my new Medtronic buddy tomorrow around mid-day and spend the night for observation. Lucky me get's two incisions: one in the chest for the device itseslf, and another in the groin which they'll use during the procedure to help position the left ventrical lead into position. 

I'll be out for the count so I won't be able to back-seat drive (which I'm sure the medical team will appreciate).  I'm just wondering how long it will be before I can start downloading some of my music and synch the device to my ear buds.  *haha*



Thinking of the tin man

by Lavender - 2024-04-30 10:03:23

Andie...Your post, for some reason, reminded me of the tin man in the Wizard of Oz longing for a heart and traveling the yellow brick road. Hopefully the Wizard puts things in place to help you on the rest of the journey. 


music app

by Tracey_E - 2024-04-30 11:44:15

So jealous you get a music app! That's been top of my wish list but alas, no one wants to give me one lol. 

Good luck! May this be the start of better days.

Wishing you the best

by Good Dog - 2024-04-30 11:50:11

I looked at some of your previous posts and it seems like you have prepared very well for this procedure and getting your device. You really have all your ducks in a row. That is great! I am sure this will go forward without a hitch, but I also know from my experience that you will be thrilled to put it all behind you. My attitude is much like yours in that I have always wanted to live as though I do not have a PM or any kind of medical issue. Having had my device now for 37+ years, I can happily tell you that is not at difficult at all to accomplish. There is no reason why the next part of your life cannot be better than the first part (before your CRT). Actually, it should be. That is why you are getting this thing. As someone on this site said not long ago, PM's are enablers, not disablers. That is so true! The procedure you are undergoing is pretty routine for your Docs and minimsally invasive. So there is really nothing much to worry about. Just relax and make the best of your simple and easy recovery. Chill-out and keep your incisions clean and dry for as long as possible. And...........................enjoy your new and better life!



The waiting is indeed over

by Gemita - 2024-04-30 12:01:01

Andie, good luck.  We shall all be thinking about you tomorrow and hoping that everything goes smoothly.  I am glad you will be out for the count.  That is the best way to be.  The groin incision can be a little uncomfortable if you are semi-conscious.

Now don’t get ahead of yourself.  You will discover soon enough what hidden treasures lie within your device and I hope they will work a treat.  All the very best


Support Appreciated...

by Andiek11 - 2024-04-30 12:23:41

Tracey_E, I was actually hoping for the "communicator app" feature (complete with Star Trek logo tatooed on the overlying skin) so I could ask Scotty to "beam me up!" on occasions I need a vacation from whatever....

Good Dog, I appreciate your vote of confidence on my organizational and planning skills.  I think I'll settle for my ducks all being the in the room, if not in-a-row...  *haha*

Gemita, So appreciate your good wishes and all the wisdom you've shared to date.  It is always an adventure.  My goal is to be flexible enough to just go with real life as it happens.  :)

And Lavender....

by Andiek11 - 2024-04-30 12:31:47

I guess the Tin Man has the original "bionic" heart so I now think of him as my cousin.. :)  I could do a lot worse for a relative!!


by Daedalus - 2024-04-30 14:10:28

"Oz never did give nothing to the Tin Man
That he didn't, didn't already have"

- America, "Tin Man"  🎶

Oz... Spot on!!

by Andiek11 - 2024-04-30 14:39:55

Touche!  I love that line (and song)!!  Heart is so much more than just an organ.   Appreciate the smile and perspective you provided.  

Captain Janeway Here

by IrishToast - 2024-04-30 20:30:33

LOL, Andiek11.  My husband is a Treki.  Not long ago I brought home a thrifted dress, and when I hung it up at home it suddenly dawned on me that it was just like the Star Trek uniforms!  So I bought an appropriate turtleneck, added duo-tang heads for Captain rank pips, and got a very real looking Voyager communicator.  All was great until I got my pacemaker in January and now realize my communicator attaches right over my pacemaker using two strong magnets. Captain Janeway is grounded until I can get the magnet out. 

Anyway, may you live long and prosper, beginning tomorrow!  You will be remembered in my prayers tomorrow. 


by Good Dog - 2024-05-02 18:37:53

Are you happy with how things went? You should be home and although a little sore, feeling relieved................?

Good Dog - Thanks for Asking...

by Andiek11 - 2024-05-02 20:59:25

Thanks for checking back.....    All went well. Not as expected as they were not able to place the CRT-P but had to go with a Medtronic 2-lead system and I'm now conduction paced.  It was discussed as possility up-front as Plan B just in case what happpened, happened.  Actually growing body of data to say that conduction pacing is actually more effective for my scenairo.  

My arm / shoulder are sore as all get out and their only pain mgt was for me to take tylenol which takes the edge off but does not provided a break from the pain.  Impossible to find a comfortable position for the arm, so, I'm a bit gumpy but know I'll survive.  

You know you're wired when...

Your heart beats like a teenager in love.

Member Quotes

I've seen many posts about people being concerned about exercise after having a device so thought I would let you know that yesterday I raced my first marathon since having my pacemaker fitted in fall 2004.